Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best way to identify the caliber of the movement using The Watchmakers App?
Few tips:
- Take a good look at the movement and it's features. Tap on "Identify caliber" in manu and in the "Search filters" view starting from top mark the features with the checkmark (where applicable) which you know the movement has, and with the cross, which you know the movement doesn't have. Ignore everything you are not sure. Once you had narrowed the matching results to the reasonable ammount (1-100 matches), you can tap on big button at the bottom to overview the list of matching movements.
- Do not rely 100% just on provided photos in the list - some calibers can have different variations of bridge layouts and other parts.
- Use settings in calibers list view to rotate the images if needed. Best practice in watchmaking is to take photos of movements with stem (crown) facing up.
- To correctly specify the movement size, you need to measure the mounting diameter (which is the diameter the movement fits into the aperture of the case or mounting frame) and not the outer diameter (which is usually a bit bigger than mounting diameter). When searching by size, allow some error margin (1-2mm), as quite often realistic movement sizes don't match the sizes in technical sheets.
- When filtering by manufacturers name, you can use latin letters instead of diacritic (accents) letters or cyrillic letters. For example, "Cortebert" will match "Cortèbert" and "Pobeda" will match "Победа".
Is The Watchmakers App available on Windows or Android devices?
No, The Watchmakers App is available for Apple iPhone and iPad running iOS 17.4 or newer or a Mac with Apple M1 chip or later and macOS 14.4 or newer.
What is the difference between movement and caliber (or calibre)?
In watchmaking the term caliber denoted to the arrangement and dimensions of the different parts of the movement and its pillars, wheels, barell, etc. It was subsequently used to refer to the shape of the movement and bars, the origin of the watch, or the manufacturers name.
The movement is physical piece when it's caliber is description of it's dimensions/design/features/shape. Many movements can be of the same caliber. One movement can't belong to two different calibers.
If you are an IT person, consider caliber as class and movement as instance.
If you are a car person, consider caliber as car model (Ferrari F40, for example) and movement - as your car which you will get sooner or later.
I found incorrrect/incomplete/missing information or bug in the app. How can I help?
Please contact us. Please attach references or photos if possible. We are working hard to keep information as precise as possible.
I can't find some watch calibers in The Watchmakers App...
Even if this is one of the largest and most precise structured watch calibers database on the market we know it's not complete. Missing calibers are constantly being added to the database.